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Patrick Bakker
Generic Automation Rules for Project Tasks

It was already possible to create automation rules for specific project tasks, and to update the phase of a project task.  Now it is also possible to create generic automation rules on project tasks.  This makes it possible to automatically assign a project task to a person, team, or agile board, or to add a […]

Patrick Bakker
Project Assessment Fields Accessible by Automation Rules

Several fields of project records that could previously not be accessed by automation rules are now available for automation.  This concerns mainly the financial information of a project: effort value cost_of_effort cost_of purchases total_cost budget_allocated This allows an organization, for example, to make a first assessment of a candidate project via a request template.  Once […]

Patrick Bakker
Easily Assign Project Tasks to Self

A small usability enhancement has been made for Project Management. Often, when editing a project task to add an assignee for that task, a user will want to link him- or herself. This would then involve a quick search. After clicking the Link assignees… link, the person who is currently logged in is now immediately […]

Patrick Bakker
Send Email from Problems, Tasks and More

Earlier this year, it has become possible to send an email from a request. That email becomes a note, as well, and replies to it also turn into notes within that request. Not long after that, an enhancement was made that allowed emails to be sent by automation rules, including from problems, releases, workflows, tasks, […]

Patrick Bakker
Task and Project Task Approval by Email

When a person’s approval is needed for a task or a project task, and that person has not turned off email notifications, an email is sent that can contain links to approve or reject the approval task.  These links take this person directly to the task in Xurrent.  It is now possible to include links […]

Patrick Bakker
Introducing Portfolio Insight

Project managers will know that projects rarely go exactly as planned. To help them have a complete overview of the most important indicators of a project at any time, they have the project baselines available in Xurrent. In them, they can see whether there is scope creep or not, whether a project is running behind […]

Patrick Bakker
Introducing the Project Calendar

From the ‘Projects’ section of the Records console, project managers (but also any other person with the Specialist role) can access all open and completed projects. From there, it is possible to see the details of each individual project and their project tasks. Using the ‘Project Portfolio‘ view, project managers can even have an overview […]

Patrick Bakker
Print Gantt Charts

It is now possible to print Gantt charts to paper or PDF. To do this, first open a workflow or project and press the Gantt Chart button. Then simply press Control + P on a PC or Command + P on a Mac to open the print dialog window, select the right settings, and save […]

Patrick Bakker
Skill Pools Accessible to Financial Manager

Skill pools are groups of people who share a specific capability.  A fixed hourly cost can be attributed to a skill pool to help project managers estimate the cost of tasks for which the specific assignees are not yet known.  When such tasks are linked to a skill pool, the cost per hour is used […]