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Advanced Change Calendar Filters

Change CalendarThe filters available in the change task views and reports are now also available in the change calendar.  This makes it possible for change managers to focus on specific types of changes or tasks that will affect specific service instances.

Advanced change calendar filters

Because the change calendar only presents tasks which category is ‘Implementation’, the ‘Category’ filter is not available in the change calendar.

The ‘Service’ filter in the change calendar looks for tasks that are part of a change that is linked to one of the selected services, or that are linked to a service instance of one of the selected services.  So the ‘Service’ filter is a little different from the ‘Service’ filter in task views and reports. There, this filter looks only at the service of the change to which the tasks belong.

Keep in mind that tasks displayed in the change calendar either match the applied filters, or have a possible conflict with a task that matches these filters.  Tasks that do not match the filters now show up semitransparent in the change calendar to make it easier to distinguish them from the other tasks.

Tasks in change calendar that do not match applied filter

For those who are new to the change calendar, it can be found by going to the Analytics console and opening the section ‘Change Calendar’.  It can also be opened using the menu option ‘Change Calendar’ after pressing the Actions toolbar button.