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Registered Requests by Source

Bar ChartYet another report has been added to the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console. This one is a bar chart called ‘Registered Requests by Source’.

By default, requests come into 4me from 3 different sources. Some are registered by service desk analysts and support specialists in 4me’s user interface for the support organization (i.e. the full UI). Others are registered using the self service or mobile interface by end users. And then there are the requests submitted by email.
The number of requests that were created in 4me using one of these sources is displayed in this new report, provided that there are any.

Registered Requests by Source Report
But support organizations may get requests coming in from other sources as well. For example, they may have integrated one of their monitoring tools (e.g. Nagios, SCOM, New Relic, etc.) with 4me to ensure that a request is automatically generated for each actionable event. In such cases, these custom sources also show up in the bar chart.

Clicking on one of the bars opens a view that lists all the requests that are included in this bar. That is the drill-down capability that makes it possible to analyze the data in more detail.