AI For All!

The feedback is overwhelming – CUSTOMERS LOVE our AI-delivered Request Summary. It’s making the service desk more productive every day. In fact, this is just the beginning of the AI Service Desk, and we don’t want anyone left behind. Today, we are announcing that, starting in July, ‘Request Summaries’ will be enabled for all 4me customers!
We walk before we run.
Last fall, we announced the release of a new ‘Request Summary’ capability within 4me. We started our AI journey using OpenAI, as a lot of companies did. At the time, we also introduced the ability to toggle AI features, as we knew OpenAI would be a compliance issue for some customers. With OpenAI, we couldn’t ensure the same privacy considerations allotted to our customers already on our platform. Customers had to reintroduce 4me AI capabilities to their CISOs as if it were a brand new application. This was not ideal, as it added unnecessary friction for our customer.
Then Amazon introduced AI capabilities (referred to as ‘Bedrock’) within our existing Amazon Web Services (AWS) ecosystem. After the usual in-depth testing, and quality and security procedures, in Q4 last year we switched over to AWS Bedrock, guaranteeing all of the exact same privacy protections our customers need and already rely upon.
Just to reiterate, we treat security, compliance and performance incredibly seriously at 4me. During data processing for AI applications, no customer data is stored or used for AI service improvements, nor to train AI models, nor distributed to third parties. Customer data is neither stored nor logged in any external service logs. Customers in the European Economic Area (EEA) leverage an AWS in the EEA, and customers in the US or Australia leverage an instance in their regions. The same privacy principles approved for your usage of 4me apply to the AI we are using with Amazon Bedrock. The capability can of course be toggled off if desired. Just follow the steps in this link: AI Toggle.