Shop Article Categories

It is now possible to group shop articles into categories. This allows administrators to build more structure into the shop, which should give users a better shopping experience. Especially when many shop articles are made available to them.
A new ‘Shop article categories’ section has been added to the Settings console. Apart from a name, a short description (displayed in the view), and a full description (displayed in the shop), the category can be related to a parent category here. This allows for a category tree of infinite width and depth to be created. For performance reasons, the category tree is cached, so it may take up to 5 minutes to see any changes in it.

After creating the categories, it is possible to relate the shop articles to them.
In Self Service, the shop now displays the current category level next to the search bar. From there, the user can navigate to the desired category and see only the articles that are related to it. A breadcrumb trail makes it easy to select higher level categories, or navigate to the top. When a category is selected, the search bar lets the user search within that category.