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New Trigger for CI Automation Rules

Patrick Bakker

A new trigger option has been added for automation rules on configuration items (CIs).  ‘On source update’ triggers when the Source field of a configuration item is updated.

Automation rule source update

This can be useful when using discovery tools that provision assets to 4me.  Often these discovery tools have site specific attributes: an asset discovered in a site in Munich will get another attribute than an asset discovered in Berlin.  When the integration with the discovery tool includes the site attribute in the source of the discovered CI in 4me, it becomes possible for an automation rule to link this CI to the correct 4me site.

Given our site-based SLA coverage, this enables dynamic coverages. When someone with a laptop moves from Munich to Berlin, for example, their laptop is covered by the SLA for the Berlin Desktop Services and the request is automatically assigned to the correct local team.