Introducing Portfolio Insight

Project managers will know that projects rarely go exactly as planned. To help them have a complete overview of the most important indicators of a project at any time, they have the project baselines available in Xurrent. In them, they can see whether there is scope creep or not, whether a project is running behind or ahead of schedule, and whether the time spent and costs are still within the set budget. Project managers who have multiple projects in their portfolio can now have an overview of the baselines of all their projects.
For this, the ‘Portfolio Insight’ view has now been added to the ‘Projects’ section of the Records console.
The ‘Portfolio Insight’ view shows all active projects in the account (in strong privacy accounts it shows only the projects of the current user). Per project, details are presented about the:
- Target: what is the current anticipated completion date of the project?
- Cost: what is the deviation of the planned cost?
- Effort: what is the deviation of the planned effort?
- Scope: is there scope creep or possibly scope reduction?
- Schedule: is the project running behind or ahead of schedule?
- Risk: what is the highest severity of the risks related to this project?
Selecting any of these projects opens up the detailed view of that project. The color codes are used to give a quick overview of the domains where attention is required. The Cost column is only visible to people with the Project Manager, Financial Manager, or Auditor role in the account.