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Impressions from 4me CAB 2019

Cor Winkler Prins

4me CAB logoThis year’s 4me Customer Advisory Board meeting was held at Château St. Gerlach in the southern tip of the Netherlands, between Belgium and Germany.  A diverse group of representatives from 10 large customer organizations and their 4me implementation partners discussed ideas for new 4me capabilities with each other and key members of the 4me team.

4me CAB 2019 meeting room

The days started with a review of the enhancements that were introduced over the past 12 months as a result of the priorities that were set during last year’s CAB meeting.  Next, a wide range of topics were discussed.  These were the topics that the customers had suggested in preparation for the meeting.

There was also an exciting moment when the CAB members witnessed the first responses of 4me’s Virtual Agent.  This chatbot will soon become available for all 4me customers so that they can activate it in their organization’s self service portal.  Like 4me’s Auto Translation feature, there will not be any additional charges for this chatbot functionality.

4me CAB 2019 chatbot demo

Per the tradition of 4me CAB meetings, exceptional food was served in a wonderful ambience.  As in previous years, the CAB members were challenged with fun activities to encourage the exchange of ideas.

4me CAB 2019 activity

The result of the past 3 days is a prioritized list of features for 4me’s Development team.  It is their goal to tick as many items off this list as possible before the CAB meets again next year.  Which country will host the next CAB meeting is still unknown, but we are already looking forward to reviewing all the new features that were delivered because of the priorities that were agreed on here in the Netherlands.

A big thank you to all the participants for taking time out of their busy schedule to contribute this to the success of this year’s CAB!