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Impressions from 4me CAB 2018

Eric Zwierzynski

4me CAB logoThe annual 4me Customer Advisory Board meeting took place last week at Hartwell House, nestled in the beautiful English countryside. For three days the 4me team was joined by 12 of our customers and partners to discuss service management best practices, the challenges facing modern enterprises, and 4me’s development priorities for the coming year.
Hartwell House
It was fantastic to hear how customers gained ever-increasing value from 4me, fueled by our weekly releases. Equally, it was gratifying to hear a recurring theme from customers, both old and new, that what sets 4me apart is not only great technology helping solve problems other solutions struggle with, but also, the sense of a true Partnership (note the capital P) based on aligned goals and shared values.
4me CAB 2018 members
As in previous years, attendees enjoyed interesting lodgings and fine food. To promote open discussions, the sessions were mixed up with activities that got the CAB members to compete in some fun traditional English games.
4me CAB 2018 games
As the event drew to a close, the customers reviewed priorities and reached consensus to on the development focus for 2019. Some enhancements, like the 4me mobile app, dashboards and project portfolio management were already anticipated. But there were also some innovative ideas that got pushed to the top of the list. As these enhancements are introduced over the next 12 months, they will take the enterprise service management industry into exciting new territory.
Once more we close the annual CAB meeting having celebrated our collective successes and with a clear eye to the future!