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Customer Satisfaction Reports

Carlyn Manly

Line and bar graphRequesters are encouraged to let their support organization know whether or not they are satisfied with the way their requests were handled. To capture more responses, the ability to provide feedback is now available from within completed requests for 28 days. End users can do this in Self Service and support specialists can do this when they are in 4me’s full UI.
To ensure that support organizations are equipped to analyze these responses, the following two reports were already available:

Now two more reports have been added to the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console:

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Service Desk Customer Satisfaction

The ‘Customer Satisfaction’ report tracks the number of positive and negative responses over time. From these numbers, the report also calculates the satisfaction percentage, i.e. the number of positive responses divided by the total number of responses.
Customer satisfaction report
In addition, this report tracks the response rate. This is calculated by taking the number of requests that have a value in their Satisfaction field and that were completed during the reporting period and dividing that by the total number of requests that were completed during the same reporting period.
The ‘Service Desk Customer Satisfaction’ report provides the same information but takes into account only the requests that were completed by the service desk without the help of any other team.
The service desk is the team that is selected in the Service desk team field of the first line support agreement (FLSA) that covers the 4me account in which the report is run. This can be an external team from a managed service provider (MSP) that takes care of the service desk function for its enterprise customers. For such MSPs the trends that this report shows makes it possible to stay in control of the perceived value that each of their service desks provides.