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Added Reports for Service Cost

Patrick Bakker
Horizontal Bar Chart

Two new reports have been added to the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console: ‘Service Cost’, showing the total costs of all services within a selected date range, and ‘Service Cost by Service’, showing the total costs of all services within a selected date range, grouped by service.  As they present financial data, these reports are only visible to people with the Financial Manager or Auditor role.

Service cost by service report

Both reports present the monthly costs related to services, consisting of expenses (dark blue, related to invoices) and spent time (light blue, related to time entries).  Just as in the ‘Service Insight’ dashboard, clicking on the respective parts of the chart takes the user to the ‘Expenses’ view or the ‘Time entries’ view. An example of the ‘Expenses’ view for the Warehouse Management service is shown in the screenshot below.

Time entries service cost report