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Users Affected by Problems

ProblemWhen problem managers review an open problem, they can look at the number of requests that are linked to the problem to get an idea of how often people are affected by it. But when a knowledge article is published to share the problem’s workaround, the end users can be expected to make use of this knowledge article to help themselves when they are affected by the problem.

In such cases, a new request does not get submitted. That limits the problem manager’s ability to get a sense of the urgency with which a permanent fix for the problem needs to be found. To still give problem managers an idea of how many end users have already been affected, the problem manager can now click on the View Self Service Usage button.
View Self Service Usage button in a problem record
This opens a report that shows how often people recently opened the knowledge article in Self Service.
Knowledge Article Self Service Usage Report
This is a subtle improvement of 4me’s unique support for the integration between the Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS) approach and ITIL’s Problem Management process. More information about the integration between KCS and Problem Management can be found in the following posts: