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Requester & Organization Filters Added to Inbox

FilterThree more filters have become available in the Inbox console.
The new filters are called:

  • Organization
  • Requester
  • Requester VIP

The organization is simply the organization that is linked to the requester’s person record.  But it is important to understand that, in the Inbox console, the requester is defined as follows:

  • for requests – the person selected in the Requested for field,
  • for problems – the person selected in the Manager field,
  • for change tasks – if the task’s change was created from a request, the requester is the person selected in the Requested for field of this request, otherwise the requester is the person selected in the Manager field of the task’s change,
  • for project tasks – the person selected in the Manager field of the task’s project.

The filter ‘Requester VIP’ makes it possible to see only the inbox items which requester’s person record is marked as a VIP.

Inbox filtered by Organization and VIP