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Print Dashboards to PDF

Print option in Actions menu for dashboardsDashboardA new feature has been added to make it easy to take a snapshot of a dashboard by printing it to PDF. Such a PDF file can then be shared easily with others without even having to provide a shareable link.

To take a snapshot of a dashboard, simply press the Actions button in the toolbar and select the ‘Print…’ option.

The page orientation options ‘Landscape’ or ‘Portrait’ can then be selected.

Dashboard page orientation options

When the Print button is pressed, a confirmation pops up. This explains that an email notification will be sent as soon as the PDF snapshot of the dashboard has been prepared.

Print dashboard to PDF confirmation

The styling of the PDFs that are generated for dashboards can be customized. People who have the Account Designer or Account Administrator role can do this in the ‘PDF Designs’ section of the Settings console.

PDF Designs section of the Settings console