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Microsoft Teams Added to Person Contact Details

ChatA new option has been added to the ‘Contact Details’ section of person records for chat links.  This new option makes it possible to add a chat link for Microsoft Teams.  The option is called ‘Teams’.

Microsoft Teams link in 4me person contact details

The syntax of the link that will open a Teams chat conversation with the person should be defining as follows:

msteams:/l/chat/0/[email protected]

Where [email protected] is the primary email address of the person record.

Person contact details in 4me Service Desk console with Microsoft Teams chat linkSpecifying such chat links in person records makes it easy to start a conversation with someone from the preview of a 4me person record or from the Service Desk console once someone is selected in the Requester field.

Specialists are able to add chat links to their own person record in 4me.

It is now also possible to add a custom link to the Actions menu that opens a chat session with, for example, the person who submitted the request that is selected.  To do this, the Custom Links functionality now offers the following new parameter:

  • person.chat_teams

Custom link for starting a Microsoft Teams chat