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Time Spent on Requests and Related Changes

Carlyn Manly

Vertical bar chartAnother set of time spent reports has become available in 4me’s Analytics console.  These reports have been added to make it easier for service provider organizations to identify requests that their specialists have spent a significant amount of time on.

  • Time Spent on Open Requests
  • Time Spent on Open Requests and Related Changes
  • Time Spent on Completed Requests
  • Time Spent on Completed Requests and Related Changes

Two of these reports include not just the time that was entered in the Time spent field of the requests themselves, but also the time that was entered in the tasks of the changes that are linked to these requests.  This makes it possible to quickly find the requests that consumed a lot of effort, regardless of whether a change was opened to meet the requirements of a request.

Time spent on completed requests and related changes

The two reports for completed requests can be used by providers that charge their customers for work that falls outside the scope of their regular support activities, when regular support activities are defined as requests that, for example, take fewer than 8 hours of effort to complete. 

All four of these reports can be filtered by the organization or business unit of the requester, service, request category, request template and over 20 other filters.