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Suggestion Enhancements

Carlyn Manly

SearchWithin 4me, there are many places where it is possible to relate a record to other records. To make it easy to find the right records, 4me provides lists of suggestions.

In the past, when there were fewer than 40 options to suggest, the Search box would not be available at the top of the list. From now on, though, there is always the ability to filter when a list of suggestions is presented.

List of suggestions with Search box

That gives users, who do not want to scroll through a list of nearly 40 items, the option to filter this list. Plus, it makes the behavior more predictable, because it no longer depends on the number of suggestions.

And when there are more than 40 records to suggest, only the first 40 options are displayed. The user can then filter the results to get a new list of suggestions. What has changed is that it is now also possible to scroll to the bottom of the list.

List of service instance suggestions

There, the option ‘Load more’ will be available whenever there are more options available.