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Minor Enhancements for Week 22

Patrick Bakker

This post lists small tweaks and enhancements that have been delivered by the Development team in the previous release.

Add Request From Product Backlog

It was already possible to add a new request to a product backlog, from the actions menu of that backlog. A button has been added to simplify this process for product owners.

Backlog add request


Additional Columns and Filters for UI Extension

Two columns (and filters) have been added to the UI extensions: Created by and Updated by. They can be added as custom columns to the view, and are part of the standard exports, too. The fields show who created and who last updated the UI extension.

UI extension updated by


Show Related Custom Collections in UI Extension

When a UI extension is related to a custom collection via a custom view, that custom collection is now displayed in the added ‘Custom Collections’ section of that UI extension in View mode.

Custom collections ui extension


UI Extension Impact Check Functions

To be able to interact with the Impact fields of requests, problems, and tasks from the Javascript of a UI extension, the Val, On, Off, and Trigger functions have been made available for account designers and account administrators. For more information, see the 4me Developer Documentation.


Update Reference of Custom View

It is now possible to update the Reference field of a custom view in the Specialist Interface, provided that the custom view has not yet been used in any UI extensions. This was already possible via API.


Automation Rule Trigger on Requested For / By Update

Two automation rule triggers have been added for automation rules on requests: On requested by update and On requested for update. This can be useful when an automation rule needs to trigger a webhook to keep data in an external tool synchronized, for example.


Automation Rule Trigger on Job Title Update

A new automation rule trigger has been added for automation rules on person records: On job title update. This makes it possible to automatically add a person to a skill pool, for example.


Improved Shop Item Thumbnails for Mobile

The images of the shop articles in the mobile app are now thumbnails. When tapping them, they are displayed in a larger format.