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Managing 1000s of Relations

Carlyn Manly

Many of the organizations that use 4me have enormous infrastructures to manage. The numbers they deal with on a daily basis can be dazzling. In such environments it is critical that the service management application remains responsive despite the amount of data that is maintained in it.

To make it practical to manage records that may have thousands of relations with other records, a performance enhancement was recently implemented. This enhancement ensures that when such records are opened, only the first few of their relations get downloaded for display in the form.

Configuration items

The service instance in the above example is made up of over 2,000 configuration items. After opening this service instance, the user can browse through the related configuration items using the Next (>) button. To quickly jump to a specific CI, its label and/or name can be entered in the search box.

This new feature, which allows users to page through a record’s relations, is available in several places within the application (e.g. for the covered people of an SLA and the requests that are linked to a change). To ensure that this features does not become an unnecessary distraction, however, it only shows up when there are many related records.