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Filter Request Templates in Service Hierarchy Browser

Carlyn Manly

Service Hierarchy BrowserWhen an organization has prepared a large number of request templates for some of its services, it can be a little cumbersome for support specialists to find the correct template in the Service Hierarchy Browser (SHB).

Request templates with search option in shbTo make this much easier and faster, the ability to filter the list of templates has been added. This new SHB feature becomes available automatically when more than 10 request templates could be relevant for the request.

All that support specialists will notice in such cases is a small Search icon that becomes visible above the list of request templates.

When the Search icon is pressed, a Search box becomes available in the SHB. Entering just a few characters in this box reduces the list to only those templates that have a word in their subject that starts with these characters.

Request templates filtered in SHBOnce the appropriate request template has been found, it is just a matter or dragging it to the left and dropping it onto the request. That applies the template to the request. Alternatively, the small Apply button can be used to achieve the same result.