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Accessing the Change Requirements

Cor Winkler Prins

UI ExtensionMore and more, organizations are using UI extensions to ask their users to define their requirements by filling out some required fields. That can dramatically improve the efficiency with which standard service requests get processed.

When a standard service request triggers a workflow, the specialists will not work on the original requests, however. They will receive tasks. To make it easy for them to get to the change requirements, they no longer need to first open the change in which the workflow is managed. They can now open the request directly from the task. And because the change requirements are often defined in the custom fields of a UI extension, the UI extension has been added to the preview of requests.

Configuration items field on the Request form
For change managers, we have also made it a little easier. When they open a change, the Relations section is already expanded so they can immediately access the related requests and problems.

Relations section of Change form expanded by default