4me Welcomes Bernard Vianen

Another talented engineer has joined 4me’s Research & Development team. Based in the Netherlands, Bernard Vianen will work as DevOps Engineer and focus on keeping the 4me service available and performant on all infrastructures.
Bernard brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, having worked in software development and implementation for over 20 years. As an independent contractor, he worked for the infrastructure departments of small and large companies in various sectors, from finance to e-commerce. Like ABN AMRO Bank, ING, Equence, NN Group, A.S.R., Achmea, the Dutch tax office, and Blokker & Kramp. His main activities were workflow automation, the configuration of servers, installing web, J2ee, database, and messaging servers, and deploying software applications.
His specialty is releasing software from development to production environments (DTAP), and with his abstract and rational approach, he is well equipped to work in the most complex environments.
I look forward to exploring new ideas to keep improving the 4me enterprise service management platform. I am greatly impressed with its architecture and the people behind it. It will be inspiring to work together with 4me’s team of talented engineers to explore, create and implement even more innovative solutions for our customers and to increase productivity in the workplace.
Bernard Vianen – DevOps Engineer
The team looks forward to working together with Bernard to develop great things. Welcome, Bernard!