4me Connect 2016
The agenda for 4me Connect 2016 has been finalized. A wide range of topics will be covered by speakers from enterprises that make advanced use of the 4me service.
They will explain how they use 4me to support their HR function, track the time of their specialists, and manage their external service providers. The session that demonstrates how 4me can be configured to comply with the EU’s new privacy legislation is likely to draw a lot of attention. That’s because the final text of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was only recently approved and companies are looking for a practical and cost-effective way to meet the European Union’s stringent requirements.
Many of you have already registered, which is fabulous. Those of you who have not yet signed up can still do so at the 4me Connect 2016 website. We look forward to welcoming you aboard the ss Rotterdam on April 21st.