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Knowledge Articles Provided to Me

Patrick Bakker

When the knowledge articles from a service provider are shared with the covered specialists of trusted accounts, these specialists are immediately provided with vital knowledge that can make a difference in doing their own work or supporting that of others.  In some cases, for example with support organizations that have specialist roles in many trusted organizations, the amount of knowledge articles (KAs) to search through can even become overwhelming.  For this reason, the new ‘Knowledge Articles Provided to Me’ view has been added to the ‘Knowledge Articles’ section of the Records console.

The ‘Knowledge Articles Provided to Me’ view shows all KAs that a specialist of the account selected in the Account Switcher has access to, which are all the KAs that can be found using global search.  The view includes an ‘Account’ column and can be sorted and filtered on account, as well.

Knowledge articles provided to me-view