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Improved Image Quality when Printing

Cor Winkler Prins

PrinterUsers can print out 4me records (e.g. requests or knowledge articles), or they can generate PDF files from these records. They can do this, using the ‘Print…’ option of the Actions menu.

When they did this in the past, the quality of the images in a print preview was relatively poor. That was because the images that are displayed within the 4me user interface were used to prepare the print previews. These images are often smaller than the images that were originally uploaded, because their size is automatically reduced to fit the width of the rich text fields in which they were pasted. In the 4me user interface it is easy to increase the size of these images by clicking on them, but that is not possible in a printout or PDF file.
To improve this, the images that are included in the print previews are now the originals, rather than the smaller versions that are used to present them within the rich text fields of 4me’s user interface.
Print preview of a knowledge article