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A Useful New Feature for Service Desk Analysts

Carlyn Manly

Service DeskA minor, but helpful, usability feature has been added to the Service Desk console. After selecting a user in the left pane of the Service Desk console, the service desk analyst sees the user’s services and configuration items in the right pane. One of these services or configuration items can be selected to start the registration of a new request.

Open Records from Service Desk Console
But if the service desk analyst is not entirely sure whether one of these options is the correct one, it would be nice if the record could be reviewed before selecting it.
This is now possible. By doing a Ctrl+click on the service or configuration item, its record will open in a separate browser tab. This allows the service desk analyst to review its details before selecting it in the Service Desk console.
The same feature also allows a request template to be reviewed before it is selected.