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Patrick Bakker
Automation Rules Detect Recurrent Reservation

Since the end of last year, it is possible in Xurrent to make a recurrent reservation for a configuration item.  It is now also possible to discern with an automation rule whether a reservation is one-time only, or recurring.  For this, the Boolean field Recurrent has been exposed to the automation rules. This can be […]

Patrick Bakker
Filter on Waiting Until

The Waiting until field is used to specify the date and time at which the status of a record is to be updated from ‘Waiting for…’ to ‘Assigned’.  This field is available only when the Status field is set to ‘Waiting for…’.  A ‘Waiting until’ filter has now been added to requests, tasks, and problems […]

Patrick Bakker
Numbered Lists Can Contain Images

The possibilities for basic text formatting within Xurrent have steadily increased over the years.  One of them is numbered lists, which can have sub-lists (or nested lists) within them, to create structures like the table of contents of a complex document.  The library that Xurrent used for its rich text editor had a flaw, though.  […]

Patrick Bakker
Email Template Reset

The Xurrent service automatically sends out email notifications to ensure that people are notified of updates in Xurrent that are important to them.  An email template is used for each of the different notifications that Xurrent generates.  These templates can be customized and translated as needed. After an account designer or administrator updates an email […]

Patrick Bakker
Desired Completion Date on Request Groups

When a request is grouped with another request or a request group, it only makes sense that the Desired completion date for all these grouped requests is the same. Until now, it was only possible to edit this field in the separate grouped requests, so not in the copy of the original request that is […]

Patrick Bakker
Easily Assign Project Tasks to Self

A small usability enhancement has been made for Project Management. Often, when editing a project task to add an assignee for that task, a user will want to link him- or herself. This would then involve a quick search. After clicking the Link assignees… link, the person who is currently logged in is now immediately […]

Patrick Bakker
Permissions Exposed On Person Record

It is now possible to read the permissions on a person record with automation rules. Permissions is an array of type permission that exposes the following fields and roles: (more…)

Patrick Bakker
Detect Function Added to Automation Rules

A new array function has been added to the automation rules. The detect function returns the first item in an array that matches the condition. It is similar to the select function, when that is used to retrieve the first record of the collection. As an example, the following two expressions retrieve the same task […]

Patrick Bakker
Service Level Manager Can Share Dashboards

Earlier this year, the customer representative(s) of an SLA were given more privileges in Xurrent.  Since then, they are able to see the ‘All Requests’ section in Xurrent Self Service and also have access to dashboards in the self service portal.  For this, the option ‘Shared with customer representatives’ within a dashboard form in the […]