Group Completed Requests
Handling a major service outage can be stressful. End users may have submitted many requests during the outage and most of these will have been grouped together. But after the outage was resolved and the request group was completed, there may still be some open requests that were not yet added to the group. These […]
Change Calendar Option Added to Actions Menu in Records Console
When a view is opened in the Records console and a record is selected in this view, it is now possible to open the Change Calendar. This can be done by pressing the Actions button in the toolbar and selecting the ‘Change Calendar’ menu option. This opens the Change Calendar with the relevant service already […]
Sort Order of View Included in URL
When a view’s sort order is adjusted, the new sort order becomes visible in the address bar of the browser. The advantage of this is that when the user bookmarks this URL, the sort order is included in the bookmark. Each time the user subsequently uses this bookmark, the view that opens is sorted in […]
Another Way to Add Requests to a Group
4me’s Grouping feature allows specialists to combine multiple requests into a group. Once a request group has been created, specialists can work on this group. Any update of the request group is automatically copied to the group’s requests, which can save specialists a significant amount of time. Requests have always been grouped together using the […]
Who Marked This as Urgent?
A system note now gets added whenever someone marks an assignment as urgent. The system note is inserted in the right sequential order in the Notes section of the request, problem, change task or project task. Such system notes tell others who it was that marked the assignment as urgent and when this was done. […]
Open Service Instances from SHB
The Service Hierarchy Browser (SHB) is the vertical bar that opens on the right side of the screen when a request is placed in Edit mode. It is one of those unique features that 4me users tend to appreciate more, the more comfortable they get with 4me. When they take the time to understand the […]
Patterson Howard Joins 4me in Germany
We would like to introduce you to another member who has joined the 4me team. His name is Patterson Howard and he brings with him a wealth of enterprise software sales experience. Patt is based in Munich from where he works as 4me’s Sales Director DACH. Together with Stefan Hulls who is based in Vienna, he will focus […]
6 More Languages
Fans of the Auto Translation feature will be happy to hear that it now supports an additional six languages. That is on top of the 20 languages it already supported.
Keep Expanded Sections Open
This could be the best usability feature that no one will ever notice. When someone selects a record in a view, this record opens in View mode to the right of the view. A person record, for example, may look like this in View mode: The user can then expand sections of the record to […]